Redditch Royal Enfield guest welcomed

A VIP guest, with a rich Royal Enfield background visited a showcase which for the last six weeks has celebrated the iconic motorcycle brand which hails from Redditch.
The grandson of R W Smith, one of the founders of Royal Enfield, turned up to the pop-up museum, in the Kingfisher Centre, which was installed following a partnership struck up between Redditch Borough Council and the international firm.
John Smith, whose grandson was Gilbert Smith, now lives in Somerset but made the trip during the ‘Custom Bikes’ weekend to the showcase.
As well as meeting the Redditch Mayor Cllr Roger Bennett and Royal Enfield Marketing Manager Mark Spiller, John took a trip down memory lane with local author Anne Bradford who has interviewed many former factory workers for her books.
John shared his photographs with the Mayor and Ann who commented on the family resemblance.
Speaking after his visit to the showcase, he said: “I can’t believe how much of Royal Enfield’s history was captured in such a small space.
“It was absolutely awe-inspiring to think, that back then, my great-grandfather had a head full of ideas which then he had to engineer himself, as there was no way of sending it off to be manufactured, and now it is an international brand!”
The Council is maintaining its links with Royal Enfield and is embarking on plans for more events in the future.
Council Leader Matt Dormer said: “We couldn’t believe how popular the showcase was throughout the whole six week period with people dropping in and sharing their memories.
“It just goes to show that although the bikes themselves are no longer made in Redditch, the Royal Enfield spirit lives on here.”