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Business invited to sponsor North Worcestershire Business Awards

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Awards organisers NWedR and NWBL are now calling for sponsors for the 2020 North Worcestershire Business Awards.  Local businesses are now offered sponsorship opportunities for this prestigious event.

The sponsorship packages for 2020 are now available to all companies that do business in North Worcestershire. Available on a first come first served basis, these one-off sponsorship opportunities provide a top showcase for businesses and are a great morale booster for employees.

This is the second North Worcestershire Business Awards which were launched in 2019 in response to calls from the business community for the opportunity to showcase local work and celebrate businesses in North Worcestershire.

See the 2020 sponsorship packages detailed on the website.

As these are one-off opportunities, we advise early sign up to avoid disappointment.

To discuss or book your sponsorship package, contact

Jane Doyle, Communications and Engagement Officer for NWedR said

“Last year’s event exceeded our expectations in terms of the way businesses engaged with it, and the event itself at Hogarths Stone Manor was an outstanding success. The opportunity to work together with NWBL has provided the impetus and capacity to deliver what is intended to be a great celebration of what we have to offer across North Worcestershire.  Once again this year, there will be lots of publicity highlighting the awards and it’s a great way of showcasing your business and giving a boost to your team.”

Melanie Hawkett, founder of NWBL said

“All local businesses are invited to be involved in these prestigious new awards as sponsors, nominators and as potential award winners!  Entries will be open in June, and in the meantime we are busy organising the event and getting sponsors involved. If you would like to sponsor one of the awards or become the headline sponsor, sponsor the VIP drinks reception, main event drinks or event programme, now is the time to get in touch.”

The award categories for 2020 are:
Best start-up business of the year
Best contribution to the community – CSR
Best customer service
Outstanding business leader of the year
Best employer of the year
NW Innovation of the year award – sponsored by WINN.

Entries will be open to North Worcestershire based businesses on Tuesday 9 June.

More information about the awards and how to enter, visit

For more information on the North Worcestershire Business Awards email 

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