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Consultants appointed for continued transformation in Kidderminster Town Centre

CGI image of the Former Magistrate's Court in Kidderminster, a listed red brick building, with proposed buildings in white.
CGI image of the proposed additions to the Former Magistrates Court

The regeneration of Kidderminster has taken a further step forward with the appointment of consultants to transform the Worcester Street area of the town centre.

McBains Limited, an international multi-disciplinary property and construction company has been appointed, along with supply chain partners Ares Landscape Architects and Link Engineering, to deliver design and engineering services which will completely change the look and feel of Worcester Street and the surrounding public spaces.

This project is being funded through the Government’s Future High Street Fund and is being progressed by NWedR on behalf of Wyre Forest District Council.

Councillor Helen Dyke, Leader of Wyre Forest District Council and Cabinet Member for Economic Regeneration, Planning and Localism said,

“We welcome the appointment of McBains to provide another piece of the wider jigsaw puzzle to deliver the vision for Kidderminster 2040. The regeneration of Worcester Street is a much-anticipated project and for those of us who have lived in the town for a long time – it marks a huge step forward.

“Over the next two years, we will see significant changes including the demolition of shops including the old Woolworths building and the Megavalue store and the complete re-design of the “step entry”.

“The plan is to connect this area of the town to where the Glades Leisure Centre used to be, and to the area adjacent to the Former Magistrates Court - soon to be transformed into a new Creative Hub - in an attractive and accessible way."

Ana Martins, Director at McBains commented,

“We’re incredibly excited to be able to play such an integral role in these transformational projects. The schemes are set to breathe new life into Kidderminster, attracting more residents, more workers and more visitors to the town centre”.

All regeneration work funded through the Future High Streets fund is to be delivered by March 2024.

To view the Vision for Kidderminster 2040 and find out about the wider Regenerating Kidderminster projects, click here.

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